RM4U Past Events
Take a look at the programs we have had in the past.
If you like what you see, you can always suggest that we have it again.
2011 Programs
Winter’s Sweet Tidings
We decorated gingerbread houses and men with frosting and candy.
We enjoyed hot chocolate with marshmallows and listened to cheesy holiday music.
Gala Gala
A gallery event showcasing past art work. We made a collage out of monkeys and bananas,
created graffiti art, and became art pieces ourselves, by creating hair art.
Express Yourself
Our program dedicated to abstract art and expressionism. We had a slide show displaying famous artwork
while exposing the teens to classical hip-hop music. We used gorrila snot, which is suppoed to be hair gel, as regular glue and paint.
Unfogging the Future
We celebrated Halloween by having a gypsy carnival. We had Gifted Sara reading palms, zombie face paint, bloody limb bucket toss, zombie tic-tac-toe, halloween crafts and a ton of food.
Robot Dance Time
Mr. Roboto’s Build-a-Robot Workshop
Zombie Club
Nautical Nonsense
A Day in Bombay
Pop Art
Coup d’etat
Fast Lane
Cheese day
Rave Nation Guitar Hero Tournament
OMG Makeover
Spring Break
Blinded by Science
Vacation Getaway
Manga Madness
NBA 2K11 Tournament
Manga Madness
Vacation Getaway
Blinded by Science
2010 Programs
Asian Invasion
Samurai Hats – We folded origami paper into awesome looking samurai hats.
Snack Day – We enjoyed cold watermelon slushies and moon cakes.
Mulan Movie Day – We watched Disney’s Mulan in order to get us into the mood to usher in the Chinese New Year.
I Heart U
Valentine’s Day Cards – The Teens had the chance to make special cards for their special someone.
Kiss Me Deadly Cookies – We celebrated Valentine’s Day with these deliciously deadly cookies.
We added as much chocolate as was legally possible.
Lovey Dovey Word Scramble – How many words can you make out of Valentine’s Day?
Magically Delicious March
Shamrock Headbands – If you don’t look ridiculous on St. Patrick’s Day then you’re not doing it right.
The teens decorated their own headbands with glitter and collage pieces and shamrocks.
Lucky Charms – We enjoyed cereal in the middle of the day. It was magically delicious!
Green Day – We held a contest to see who would come in wearing the most green.
Out of this World Spring Break
E.T. Craft – The teens glitterized pictures of E.T.
Extraterrestrial Bingo – It’s bingo, with aliens. You’re welcome world.
Movie: E.T. The Extraterrestrial – We watched E.T.!
Disco Inferno Guitar Hero Tournament
To get ready for our disco theme we learned The Hustle and drank mondo cool lemonade.
Mayo Ay Ya Yay!
We celebrated this holiday by making mini sobreros and fake moustaches
and eating mexican cadny, bunuelos, and horchata.
Cheese Day
We threw lactose intolerance to the wind and dedicated a whole program to cheese. We played cheese related games like Na Cho Cheese, Guess that Cheese, and the Big Cheese.
Lets Get Hieroglyphical
Aussie August
Revenge of the Classics
Ghastly Ghouls
Death by Chocolate
National Game day
Ocean Lounge
2009 Programs
Guitar Hero Tournament
Our first program. We gave the kids rock star treatment. We had a mini platform where they stood for competition, A-List food and gave out new games for the winners.
Graduation Party
We said good-bye to our 8th graders in style. We decorated the room in each schools colors, have delicious cake from O Brothers Bakery. We played video games, board games and listened to music.
Dog Days
Our Summer Reading club was all about dogs.
Blues Clues – Complete with Steve, Blue, Magenta and our handy dandy Notebook, we solved the mystery of the missing videogames.
Medieval Month
Ye Olde Crafts – We made dragons, swords, shields, crowns and wooden bracelets.
Murder Mystery – The King was murdered and we had to find out who killed him. Was it the desperate princess, the crazy executioner, the vengeful maid, or the greedy queen? Turns out it was the maid.
Food 4 U – Our teens in the kitchen program. We had delicious baked apples and carmelized walnuts.
Pirate Month
Pirate Craft – We made eye patches and hats
Walk the Plank Trivia – The teens had to answer questions about pirates or face diving into our shark infested waters.
Mythology Month
Wreath Crowns Craft – We used green pipe cleaners and green tissue paper in the shape of leaves to make these awesome crowns.
Food 4 U – Our teens in the kitchen program. We made a Greek style snack with Luscious Slush Punch.
Olympic Games – Adorned with our Tissue Paper Wreath Crowns we had a day of Roman Olympic fun. We played Wii Boxing, Thumb War, Balloon Powered Chariot Race, Diaulos (single sprint) and the Long Jump (single jump.)
SuperHero/Villian Month
Comic Strips Crafts – We created our own stories using storyboards.
Food 4 U – Our teens in the kitchen program. We had two sessions. One session we made sugar cookies and drank apple cider. The other session we made chocolate pudding pie and drank hot chocolate.
Good vs. Evil Bowling Costume Party Extravaganza and Stuff!!! – Our first Halloween party. We had Wii Bowling, Costume contest, Zombie Walk Off Dance, and Pin the Skull on the Skeleton. We had a crazy fun time.
Tattoo sharks – We decorated shark templates with awesome tattoos, paint, and glitter. My favorite sharks were Sid and Nancy. Sid had an Anarchy tattoo on his fin.
Food 4 U – Our teens in the kitchen program. We made an edible aquarium with blue jello and Swedish fish and drank raspberry lemonade.
Shark Attack Scavenger Hunt – We made fish cut outs and hid them throughout the Children’s Department. The teens went through our book stacks and found fish like Drama Fish(he had a scarf and Barrett) Sunfish, Fishtopher Columbus, Fishgician, and Dragon Fish.
Chrismukkah crafts – We made paper chains and present boxes using the colors red, green, white and blue.
Food 4 U – Our teens in the kitchen program. We made sugar cookies cut into holiday shapes and Holiday Punch.
Holiday Word Scramble – We took words associated with both holidays and scrambled them up.